Since the outside of the house has not been painted in 20 years it is about time for a fresh coat. We have been going back and forth with what we want to do and how much we want to do this fall, especially not knowing how long the weather will hold out for us. A couple of weeks ago Mike scraped and primed all the fascia on the house which he then painted this weekend. This was a must do so we could get gutters and downspouts put up. We also decided to go ahead and take it one side at a time. We figured we would power wash, scrape and prime as much as we could with the hope that we could then get all the bare spots sealed off before snow. We will then go ahead and paint next spring. We went ahead and started this weekend and found that a whole lot of paint is coming off. Here are a few pictures of the one side that got done. Wish us warm weather for a few more weeks.
Before scraping

I will have to get a picture of it now all nice and primed. It is amazing how much better it looks already.
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