We decided to go ahead and move forward with both the kitchen and bathroom remodel. In order to save us some money we agreed to do the demo work and our contractor would then come in and put it all back together. We have spent a good number of hours there working on it and here are some of the before and now pictures. Hopefully within the next few weeks we will be able to post some finished pictures!
For the bathroom we decided to move the whole thing across a hallway. We tore everything out and then Jim (contractor) came in and took out the walls. The finished product will have a tub/shower, sink, toilet and linen closet.

(same window in both pictures)

Front Entry
Taken from the front door. The hallway into the house is on the right. The walls on the left are the bathroom.

The walls are obviously gone. The hallway into the living room will run along the left side . The bathroom will sit along the right.



We were also very excited to find hardwood floors in the hallway, dining room and kitchen. There were four layers of flooring in the kitchen and two in the dining room that we took up. There is a lot of glue in the floors but we are hoping to be able to refinish them. We shall see!